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2024-11-19 :: What's new in gedit 48

gedit 48 was released in September. Now that the new version is available on the three main desktop operating systems, let's look at the highlights.

The dark theme support has already been covered. If you see some issues, don't hesitate to open a ticket on GitLab.

Hosting the libgedit projects on the GNOME infrastructure

In the blog post describing the release of gedit 47, it was explained that translations were temporarily disabled. It has now been resolved by hosting all the libgedit projects on the GNOME infrastructure, to benefit from among other things.

The git repositories for gedit, gedit-plugins and all the libgedits are now hosted in the World/gedit/ subgroup on GNOME's GitLab!

Summary of changes for plugins

The following plugins have been removed:

On the other hand the Text Size plugin has received a promotion: it has been moved from the gedit-plugins repository to the main gedit repository, and is now enabled by default.

Why some plugins have been removed?

It is a combination of several reasons:


Don't hesitate to get in touch, be it for providing a general feedback, or for reporting specific issues, or for contributing.