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Gedit Technology blog

2024-11-19 :: What's new in gedit 48

gedit 48 has been released and is available on the three main desktop operating systems. Let's look at the highlights of this new version.

Dark theme

gedit screenshot of the main window with dark theme

The dark theme support has already been covered.

World/gedit/ subgroup on GNOME's GitLab

The main Git repositories of gedit are now all hosted under the World/gedit/ subgroup on GNOME's GitLab. It currently includes gedit, gedit-plugins and all the libgedits.

Previously, there was the problem that the libgedits - hosted on GitHub - didn't receive new translations. This is now resolved, all the relevant modules are on Thanks to the amazing work done by the GNOME translation teams, gedit is available in many languages with high quality translations!

Summary of changes for plugins

Concerning the plugins, there is unfortunately a bad news. The following plugins have been removed:

There are several reasons:

Other changes

To conclude

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