GtkSourceView 4 -> libgedit-gtksourceview 299.0 Porting Guide

GTK dependency

Both GtkSourceView 4 and libgedit-gtksourceview 299.x.y depend on GTK 3.

pkg-config name

The new pkg-config name is: libgedit-gtksourceview-300

The “3” in “300” means that it targets GTK 3.

For Vala

For Vala code, use the GObject Introspection file, not the *.vapi, because the *.vapi file has been removed.

For Glade

The Glade catalog has been removed, so don't rely on it.

Paths to lang and style files

The paths to *.lang and style scheme files have changed. For example, /usr/share/libgedit-gtksourceview-300/language-specs/ is the usual location where *.lang files are found.

API breaks

  • GtkSourceMap has been removed.

  • GtkSourceStyleSchemeChooserButton and GtkSourceStyleSchemeChooserWidget have been removed. See the Tepl library for a replacement.

  • The macros and functions to check the library version have been removed: the gtk_source_check_version(), gtk_source_get_major_version(), etc functions; as well as all the macros such as GTK_SOURCE_CHECK_VERSION().

  • The GtkSourceStyleSchemeManager:scheme-ids and GtkSourceStyleSchemeManager:search-path properties have been removed. Instead, you can connect to the GtkSourceStyleSchemeManager::changed signal to be notified.

    The gtk_source_style_scheme_manager_get_scheme_ids() function has been removed, use gtk_source_style_scheme_manager_get_schemes() instead.

    All the GtkSourceStyleScheme properties have been removed. Use the get functions instead.

    All the GtkSourceStyle properties have been removed. Use the gtk_source_style_get_data() function instead.